Pattern Analysis of Scripture

Files Related to Pattern Analysis Methodology

Pattern Analysis is an innovative approach to literary structures from Genesis to Revelation. It is the study of pericopes, otherwise known as literary units, which normally appear as a paragraph or so in most modern Bibles. Unlike other approaches to literary structure, Pattern Analysis searches for how the pericopes persuade based on their organizations.

Pattern Analysis presents a consistent method to discern the structural and rhetorical emphasis in each pericope. To date, 26,000 of the 31,000 verses of the Bible have been analyzed, and every verse fits the model. Because of that strong consistency, Pattern Analysis gives compelling evidence of the Holy Spirit's inspiration for the entire Bible.

Methodology: Version 1.68 of the manuscript Pattern Analysis Methodology is available for downloading, updated 11/23/2024.

Frequency Analyses: Analyses of the nine major genres show surprisingly good coherence to the mean. In the seventh year of Pattern Analysis development, some frequency analyses were prepared to see if these features were consistent. That analysis has expanded so that forty metrics (Absence to Variation) are presented for each genre. When viewing the following charts, compare each of the nine genres with the MEAN: ALL GENRES.

Frequencies for All Literary Devices — updated 2/14/2025

Frequencies for Basic Chiasms — updated 2/18/2025
Frequencies for Basic Parallel Symmetries — updated 2/18/2025
Frequencies for Basic Immediate Repetitions — updated 2/18/2025

Supporting files: Supplemental materials are available for this methodology. An analytical methodology is used with three models: a demarcation model that identifies where a literary unit starts and certain prominent locations within the literary unit; a structural model that identifies the organization of the literary unit; and a rhetorical model where the student documents how the literary unit adds persuasive emphasis.

Pattern Analysis Summary — updated 2/19/2015
Books Analyzed with Pattern Analysis — updated 2/17/2025
Literary Units in Pattern Analysis Methodology — updated 11/21/2024
Glossary of Pattern Analysis Terms — updated 10/26/2024
Examples from Pattern Analysis Methodology — updated 11/29/24
Twenty (20) Demarcation Markers — updated 08/26/2024
Thirty (30) Literary Devices for the Structural Model — updated 11/29/2024
Twenty-four (24) Rhetorical Devices — updated 11/29/2024