Pattern Analysis for Lamentations 1:1-9

Pattern Analysis Methodology

The Gates of Zion are Desolate

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This IMPERFECT CHIASM begins the sad story of Jerusalem′s fall. Several key points about this are:

1) The TRANSPOSITION of the A′ element stresses Jerusalem′s new situation in forced labor. Just as the gates are desolate with no one to the appointed feasts, so the A′ element stands alone in its location above the X element.

2) There is an INTENSIFICATION of Jerusalem′s plight toward the X element: abandoned—no comforters—no rest—desolation—the Lord acted because of the transgressions—no strength—no helpers. No one stands with her and she receives continual torment because of what she did to herself.

3) In the X CENTER POINT there is immediate recognition that the Lord brought His retribution because of her many sins.

4) In the CLOSING SUMMARY, it is recognized that Jerusalem has greatly sinned. Not to be taken literally, the figurative mess created by her uncleanness causes the picture to become personal. As a result, her falling is astonishing. She has lost all the respect of those who knew her so that no one can comfort her.
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Structured Themes


... the Lord brought adversaries to deal with Jerusalem′s transgressions ...

a title

BEGINNING MARKER:  How lonely sits the city That was full of people!  (v1A) 

Jerusalem is abandoned

She has become like a widow Who was once great among the nations! She who was a princess among the provinces Has become a forced laborer!  (v1B)

no one comforted her; her friends are her adversaries

She weeps bitterly in the night And her tears are on her cheeks; She has none to comfort her Among all her lovers. All her friends have dealt treacherously with her; They have become her enemies.  (v2)

she has no rest

Judah has gone into exile under affliction And under harsh servitude; She dwells among the nations, But she has found no rest; All her pursuers have overtaken her In the midst of distress.  (v3)

TRANSPOSITION: Jerusalem is desolate and bitter


The roads of Zion are in mourning Because no one comes to the appointed feasts. All her gates are desolate; Her priests are groaning, Her virgins are afflicted, And she herself is bitter.  (v4)

the Lord brought adversaries because of her transgressions

Her adversaries have become her masters, Her enemies prosper; For the Lord has caused her grief Because of the multitude of her transgressions; Her little ones have gone away As captives before the adversary.  (v5)

she has no strength


All her majesty has departed from the daughter of Zion; Her princes have become like deer That have found no pasture; And they have fled without strength Before the pursuer.  (v6)

no one helped her; her adversaries mocked her


In the days of her affliction and homelessness Jerusalem remembers all her precious things That were from the days of old, When her people fell into the hand of the adversary And no one helped her. The adversaries saw her, They mocked at her ruin.  (v7)

CLOSING SUMMARY: Jerusalem has greatly sinned and here are the effects


Jerusalem sinned greatly, Therefore she has become an unclean thing. All who honored her despise her Because they have seen her nakedness; Even she herself groans and turns away. Her uncleanness was in her skirts; She did not consider her future. Therefore she has fallen astonishingly; She has no comforter.  (v8,9A)