Pattern Analysis for Isaiah 42:1-9

Pattern Analysis Methodology

The Coming Messiah

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Potential Rhetoric

Within Pattern Analysis, rhetoric is the persuasive portion of a literary unit based on its structure. Certain locations within each literary unit are potentially persuasive–they are presented below for the sake of analysis. Normally, many of the potential locations can be persuasive, but often not all. The student is encouraged to listen to what the Holy Spirit seems to be emphasizing.

Parallel Symmetry

A step-like symmetry such as A-B-C-A'-B'-C' or A-B-C-X-A'-B'-C' structure where the themes are repeated in the same direction. A continuing structure is also possible such as A-B-C-A'-B'-C'-A''-B''-C'' (consider the ten plagues of Moses). Other names for this device are extended alternation, forward symmetry, panel construction, step parallelism, and in certain contexts simply named "parallelism." The most common locations for emphasis are in the last/last position and the X center point. Lesser common locations are the first/first position and the various corresponding elements.

Interjection Beginning Marker (v1A)

Use of the word "behold," often appearing near the beginning of a sentence, which points to emphasis in the words immediately following the interjection.

Opening Summary SUM (v1B-4B)

A summarization that appears near the beginning portion of a structure. For example, SUM-A-B-C-A'-B'-C'. It is similar to a closing summary which is also represented by a SUM. The opening summary should be considered emphatic.

First/First a, a' (v1C; 3B)

In a parallel symmetry, these are the two A elements, A-B-C-A'-B'-C'. Sometimes these are a place of emphasis.

Last/Last b, b' (v2; 4A)

In a parallel symmetry, this is oftentimes a place of emphasis. For example, in an A-B-C-D-A'-B'-C'-D' structure, the two D elements are in the last/last position.

Center Point x (v3A)

An emphasis or turning point that is at the logical center of a structure. It is either an X in the middle of a chiasm, parallel symmetry, immediate repetition, or list is a center point, or if two elements appear at the center of a chiasm rather than an X, those two elements are the center point. For example, X is the center point of A-B-C-X-A'-B'-C', and C-C' is the center point of A-B-C-C'-B'-A'.

Substructure Summary sum (v4B)

An opening or closing summarization that appears within a substructure. The schematic representation is the lowercase letters sum. This summarization may appear at the end of a substructure, a-b-x-a'-b'-sum, or at the beginning, sum-a-b-c-d. All the substructure summaries are emphatic.

Amplification a, a' (v5B; 5C)

A clarification of an element or a sequence of elements where the second part in some way removes the obfuscation that may be found in the first. An amplification can be a large increase such as the multiplication of believers in the book of Acts; the additional detail provided by its conjugate pair, seen especially when a substructure provides data that is not in the first; or in an immediate repetition where the second part adds more than just the antithesis to the first such as Kugel’s A what’s more B teaching.

Amplification b, b' (v5D; 5E)

A clarification of an element or a sequence of elements where the second part in some way removes the obfuscation that may be found in the first. An amplification can be a large increase such as the multiplication of believers in the book of Acts; the additional detail provided by its conjugate pair, seen especially when a substructure provides data that is not in the first; or in an immediate repetition where the second part adds more than just the antithesis to the first such as Kugel’s A what’s more B teaching.

First/First A, A' (v6A; 8A)

In a parallel symmetry, these are the two A elements, A-B-C-A'-B'-C'. Sometimes these are a place of emphasis.

Corresponding Elements B, B' (v6B; 8B)

Also known as conjugate pairs. It is any two elements that are paired with each other. In some cases, the pair may be emphatic even though they are not in a position of emphasis such as first/first or first/last. For example, in a chiastic A-B-C-X-C'-B'-A' structure, the two B elements might add considerable conviction to the reader or listener.

Last/Last C, C' (v7; 9)

In a parallel symmetry, this is oftentimes a place of emphasis. For example, in an A-B-C-D-A'-B'-C'-D' structure, the two D elements are in the last/last position.

Interjection C' (v9)

Use of the word "behold," often appearing near the beginning of a sentence, which points to emphasis in the words immediately following the interjection.

This PARALLEL SYMMETRY looks at the justice My Servant will bring as one empowered by My Spirit. Then it looks at another purpose, to open the eyes of the spiritually blind. These two structures are identified by scholars as the first Servant Song in Isaiah. Note that the Septuagint renders the word nations in verse 1C as Gentiles in Matthew 12:18-21, and then adds the words AND IN HIS NAME THE GENTILES WILL HOPE. That parallelism points to the kingdom of heaven as being available for all people, not just the Jews.

1) The word Behold is an INTERJECTION at the start of this literary unit, flagging the OPENING SUMMARY. In this, My Soul (the Father) delights in how My Servant (Jesus) has received My Spirit (Holy Spirit). The FIRST/FIRST a elements affirm He will establish His justice to the Gentile nations. Then the LAST/LAST b elements and the x CENTER POINT indicate the Servant will be crushed and will protect the weak. In the SUBSTRUCTURE SUMMARY, the Gentiles (who are the coastlands) wait for this Messiah.

2) The two B CORRESPONDING ELEMENTS are a COMPARISON that describe the Lord′s design for this Servant. There are five will and will not statements:
- hold Him by the hand
- watch over Him
- appoint Him as a new covenant to the people
- not give His glory to another
- not give His praise to a man-made image

3) The LAST/LAST elements (C and C′) declare the purpose of this Servant. The C element states that the darkness is removed: open spiritually blind eyes, release prisoners from their oppression, and remove the darkness of their prison. The dungeon and prison are spiritual, not physical. The C′ element, an INTERJECTION, places the earlier C element in a positive way: the darkness is gone and the new has come.
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Structured Themes


... a prophecy about the coming Messiah ...

an interjection

BEGINNING MARKER:  “Behold,  (v1A) 

OPENING SUMMARY: I have placed My Spirit upon My Servant


My Servant, whom I uphold; My chosen one in whom My soul delights. I have put My Spirit upon Him;  (v1B)

PARALLEL SYMMETRY SUBSTRUCTURE: ... the coming Messiah is My Servant with My Spirit upon Him ... Show Hide

He will bring justice

He will bring forth justice to the nations.  (v1C)

He will not resist

“He will not cry out or raise His voice, Nor make His voice heard in the street.  (v2)

He will not harm the weak

“A bruised reed He will not break And a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish;  (v3A)

He will bring justice


He will faithfully bring forth justice.  (v3B)

He will not be discouraged


“He will not be disheartened or crushed Until He has established justice in the earth;  (v4A)



and the coastlands will wait expectantly for His law.”  (v4B)

... more about the Lord′s chosen Servant ...


IMMEDIATE REPETITION SUBSTRUCTURE: ... identification that it is the Lord speaking ... Show Hide

demarks a divine oracle

sub-unit marker:  Thus says God the Lord,  (v5A) 

created the heavens

Who created the heavens and stretched them out,  (v5B)

created the earth


Who spread out the earth and its offspring,  (v5C)

giver of breath

Who gives breath to the people on it  (v5D)

giver of the spirit


And spirit to those who walk in it,  (v5E)

I am the Lord

“I am the Lord,  (v6A)

the Lord will appoint My Servant as a light

I have called You in righteousness, I will also hold You by the hand and watch over You, And I will appoint You as a covenant to the people, As a light to the nations,  (v6B)

My Servant will release the oppressed from their darkness

To open blind eyes, To bring out prisoners from the dungeon And those who dwell in darkness from the prison.  (v7)

I am the Lord


“I am the Lord, that is My name;  (v8A)

the Lord will not appoint His glory to another


I will not give My glory to another, Nor My praise to graven images.  (v8B)

INTERJECTION: the darkness is gone, new things will come


“Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things; Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.”  (v9)