Pattern Analysis for Ezekiel 6:1-14

Pattern Analysis Methodology

Prophecy Against the House of Israel

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Potential Rhetoric

Within Pattern Analysis, rhetoric is the persuasive portion of a literary unit based on its structure. Certain locations within each literary unit are potentially persuasive–they are presented below for the sake of analysis. Normally, many of the potential locations can be persuasive, but often not all. The student is encouraged to listen to what the Holy Spirit seems to be emphasizing.


An A-B-C-C'-B'-A' or A-B-C-X-C'-B'-A' type of structure. It is a repetition of similar themes in the reverse sequence. Other names for chiasms include chiasmus, concentric symmetry, introversion, inverted parallelism, reverse symmetry, and ring construction. The most common emphatic locations are found in the center point and the first/last elements.

Imperative IMPERATIVE (v6:2,3A)

A strongly worded directive or command that conveys the importance of doing something. In English, Hebrew and Greek, the imperative is a verb. In Greek, the spelling of the word indicates it is imperative. In English, imperatives are usually the first word in a sentence or phrase. For example, the phrase in Deuteronomy 30:19C which states, "Choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants," is an imperative. Context is important in determining if an imperative statement is emphatic.

First/Last A, A' (v6:3C-7; 6:13A-14B)

In a chiasm, these are the two A elements: A-B-C-C'-B'-A'. Oftentimes an emphasis may be found in these locations.

First/First a, a' (v6:3C; 6:6A)

In a parallel symmetry, these are the two A elements, A-B-C-A'-B'-C'. Sometimes these are a place of emphasis.

Interjection a (v6:3C)

Use of the word "behold," often appearing near the beginning of a sentence, which points to emphasis in the words immediately following the interjection.

Last/Last c, c' (v6:4B; 6:5A)

In a parallel symmetry, this is oftentimes a place of emphasis. For example, in an A-B-C-D-A'-B'-C'-D' structure, the two D elements are in the last/last position.

Transposition c' (v6:5A)

The expected elements have been re-arranged, e.g. A-B-C-X-B'-C'-A'. When a transposition appears, the location of one element is interchanged with another; an intentional relocation. Transpositions appear in imperfect chiasms and parallel symmetries. The emphasis appears either in the element that is transposed or in the one which has been dislocated. That is, in an A-B-C-X-B'-C'-A' structure, either the B' or C' elements would be emphatic.

Center Point x (v6:5B)

An emphasis or turning point that is at the logical center of a structure. It is either an X in the middle of a chiasm, parallel symmetry, immediate repetition, or list is a center point, or if two elements appear at the center of a chiasm rather than an X, those two elements are the center point. For example, X is the center point of A-B-C-X-A'-B'-C', and C-C' is the center point of A-B-C-C'-B'-A'.

Substructure Summary sum (v6:7)

An opening or closing summarization that appears within a substructure. The schematic representation is the lowercase letters sum. This summarization may appear at the end of a substructure, a-b-x-a'-b'-sum, or at the beginning, sum-a-b-c-d. All the substructure summaries are emphatic.

Center Point B, B' (v6:8-10; 6:11B-12D)

An emphasis or turning point that is at the logical center of a structure. It is either an X in the middle of a chiasm, parallel symmetry, immediate repetition, or list is a center point, or if two elements appear at the center of a chiasm rather than an X, those two elements are the center point. For example, X is the center point of A-B-C-X-A'-B'-C', and C-C' is the center point of A-B-C-C'-B'-A'.

First/Last a, a' (v6:9A; 6:9D)

In a chiasm, these are the two A elements: A-B-C-C'-B'-A'. Oftentimes an emphasis may be found in these locations.

Center Point b, b' (v6:9B; 6:9C)

An emphasis or turning point that is at the logical center of a structure. It is either an X in the middle of a chiasm, parallel symmetry, immediate repetition, or list is a center point, or if two elements appear at the center of a chiasm rather than an X, those two elements are the center point. For example, X is the center point of A-B-C-X-A'-B'-C', and C-C' is the center point of A-B-C-C'-B'-A'.

Substructure Summary sum (v6:10)

An opening or closing summarization that appears within a substructure. The schematic representation is the lowercase letters sum. This summarization may appear at the end of a substructure, a-b-x-a'-b'-sum, or at the beginning, sum-a-b-c-d. All the substructure summaries are emphatic.

Substructure Summary sum (v6:12D)

An opening or closing summarization that appears within a substructure. The schematic representation is the lowercase letters sum. This summarization may appear at the end of a substructure, a-b-x-a'-b'-sum, or at the beginning, sum-a-b-c-d. All the substructure summaries are emphatic.

Substructure Summary sum (v6:13A)

An opening or closing summarization that appears within a substructure. The schematic representation is the lowercase letters sum. This summarization may appear at the end of a substructure, a-b-x-a'-b'-sum, or at the beginning, sum-a-b-c-d. All the substructure summaries are emphatic.

Amplification a, a' (v6:13B; 6:13C)

A clarification of an element or a sequence of elements where the second part in some way removes the obfuscation that may be found in the first. An amplification can be a large increase such as the multiplication of believers in the book of Acts; the additional detail provided by its conjugate pair, seen especially when a substructure provides data that is not in the first; or in an immediate repetition where the second part adds more than just the antithesis to the first such as Kugel’s A what’s more B teaching.

Amplification b, b' (v6:14A; 6:14B)

A clarification of an element or a sequence of elements where the second part in some way removes the obfuscation that may be found in the first. An amplification can be a large increase such as the multiplication of believers in the book of Acts; the additional detail provided by its conjugate pair, seen especially when a substructure provides data that is not in the first; or in an immediate repetition where the second part adds more than just the antithesis to the first such as Kugel’s A what’s more B teaching.

Closing Summary SUM (v6:14C)

A summarization that concludes a basic structure which is designated with the letters SUM. For example, A-B-C-A'-B'-C'-SUM. A closing summary is also known as a concluding epitome, final unit, and an epilogue. It serves two functions: to summarize and to motivate. It is always emphatic and should be easily detected.

Unlike the previous visions in chapters 4 and 5 that dealt with Jerusalem, this chapter focuses on Israel, the northern kingdom. In this prophetic CHIASM, the summarizations repeat the phrase will know that I am the Lord in four locations: verses 7, 10, 13, and 14. It is the Lord′s destruction and desolation that is to cause this new understanding. See especially the picture created by the transposition in the PARALLEL SYMMETRY SUBSTRUCTURE, verses 3C to 7.

1) The IMPERATIVE command in verses 2 and 3A direct those false worshippers of Israel to listen to this prophesy from the Lord!

2) The FIRST/LAST elements, A and A′ with their substructures, are a warning from the Lord that the places of worship (mountains, hills, ravines and valleys) of Israel will be destroyed. Within A, a parallel symmetry substructure, the FIRST/FIRST a elements, the CORRESPONDING ELEMENTS for b, and the LAST/LAST elements emphasize the destruction of the high places, their altars, and the people that worshipped them. The SUBSTRUCTURE SUMMARY in verse 7 summarizes the reason for this destruction: that the people will know that He is the Lord. The A′ element begins in the same way in the SUBSTRUCTURE SUMMARY (verse 13A), that the people will know that He is the Lord.

3) The TRANSPOSITION of the c′ element within the A element seems to be a picture of the destruction. The normal place for the c′ element would be after verse 6B, a-b-c-x-a′-b′-c′-sum. The relocation seems to paint a picture of ruin: the c′ element now appears above. That is, if the normal location of the idols was after the b′ element (verse 6B), then the dead bodies of verse 5A are above them. However, in this scenario, the idols are pictorially buried under the dead sons of Israel.

4) The two B CENTER POINT elements look at their destruction in two ways. The B element stresses that there will be a remnant that will recall the desolation of evil, whereas the B′ element describes that desolation. In B, the CENTER POINT in verses 9B and 9C describe how their wandering away from the Lord deeply offended the Lord. His actions described in the FIRST/LAST are intended to create that remembrance. The SUBSTRUCTURE SUMMARY in verse 10 stresses that the reason for this destruction is that the remnant will know that He is the Lord. In B′, the desolation is described, for all those that worshipped in this way will die—the SUBSTRUCTURE SUMMARY concludes with a brief description of the Lord′s wrath.

5) The CLOSING SUMMARY states all will die. The REPEATED PHRASE, they will know that I am the Lord, appear verses 7, 10, 13, and 14. Those words are repeated 63 times in Ezekiel.
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Structured Themes


... prophecy against the house of Israel ...

demarks a divine oracle

BEGINNING MARKER:  And the word of the Lord came to me saying,  (v6:1) 

IMPERATIVE: Israel, listen to Me


“Son of man, set your face toward the mountains of Israel, and prophesy against them and say, ′Mountains of Israel, listen to the word of the Lord GOD!  (v6:2,3A)

demarks a divine oracle

SUB-UNIT MARKER:  Thus says the Lord GOD to the mountains, the hills, the ravines and the valleys:  (v6:3B) 

PARALLEL SYMMETRY SUBSTRUCTURE: ... the Lord will destroy Israel′s high places, altars, and idols ... Show Hide

INTERJECTION: will destroy your high places

“Behold, I Myself am going to bring a sword on you, and I will destroy your high places.  (v6:3C)

your altars will be ruined

“So your altars will become desolate and your incense altars will be smashed;  (v6:4A)

the slain will fall before their idols

“and I will make your slain fall in front of your idols.  (v6:4B)

TRANSPOSITION: dead will be laid before their idols


“I will also lay the dead bodies of the sons of Israel in front of their idols;  (v6:5A)

bones of remembrance

and I will scatter your bones around your altars.  (v6:5B)

will make desolate the high places


“In all your dwellings, cities will become waste and the high places will be desolate,  (v6:6A)

your altars and the idols on the altars will be ruined


“that your altars may become waste and desolate, your idols may be broken and brought to an end, your incense altars may be cut down, and your works may be blotted out.  (v6:6B)



“The slain will fall among you, and you will know that I am the Lord.  (v6:7)

a remnant will be left

“However, I will leave a remnant, for you will have those who escaped the sword among the nations when you are scattered among the countries.  (v6:8)

CHIASM SUBSTRUCTURE: ... the remnant will remember their offenses to the Lord ... Show Hide

some will remember Me

“Then those of you who escape will remember Me among the nations to which they will be carried captive,  (v6:9A)

their adultery hurt Me

“how I have been hurt by their adulterous hearts which turned away from Me,  (v6:9B)

their harlotry towards idols


“and by their eyes which played the harlot after their idols;  (v6:9C)

they will remember their previous ways


“and they will loathe themselves in their own sight for the evils which they have committed, for all their abominations.  (v6:9D)



“Then they will know that I am the Lord; I have not said in vain that I would inflict this disaster on them.”′  (v6:10)

demarks a divine oracle

SUB-UNIT MARKER:  “Thus says the Lord GOD,  (v6:11A) 

the others of Israel will fall due to their evil abominations


′Clap your hand, stamp your foot and say, “Alas, because of all the evil abominations of the house of Israel, which will fall by sword, famine and plague!  (v6:11B)

LIST SUBSTRUCTURE: ... all will die ... Show Hide

far ones will die

“He who is far off will die by the plague,  (v6:12A)

near ones will die

“and he who is near will fall by the sword,  (v6:12B)

remaining ones will die

“and he who remains and is besieged will die by the famine.  (v6:12C)

SUBSTRUCTURE SUMMARY: know the Lord′s wrath


“Thus will I spend My wrath on them.  (v6:12D)


IMMEDIATE REPETITION SUBSTRUCTURE: ... the Lord will destroy those who worship at the idols, altars, and high places ... Show Hide



“Then you will know that I am the Lord,  (v6:13A)

worship the dead on the high places

when their slain are among their idols around their altars, on every high hill, on all the tops of the mountains, under every green tree and under every leafy oak--  (v6:13B)

places of offerings to their gods


“the places where they offered soothing aroma to all their idols.  (v6:13C)

destroy the worshippers

“So throughout all their habitations I will stretch out My hand against them  (v6:14A)

destroy the land


“and make the land more desolate and waste than the wilderness toward Diblah;  (v6:14B)

CLOSING SUMMARY: know I am the Lord


“thus they will know that I am the Lord.”′”  (v6:14C)